Ucraina (Ita – Fr – Eng – Esp)

Foto di Dominika Zarzycka

Ho scritto questa poesia (i cui versi non sono né eleganti né raffinati) spinto dall’angoscia per le sorti del popolo ucraino e per quelle della libertà e dell’indipendenza.

Il fiume riversa masse di metallo arroventate
invade le città le ricopre di macerie
sparge la morte sui simboli dell’umano
con il grido disumano
di acque turbolente sino sui tetti delle case
e gli uomini affogati tagliano gli alberi
ne fanno barriera a tutto il fuoco
che romba e rotola, troppo violento
e spietato perché sia diretto a loro.
Invocano aiuto da chi guarda
con le lacrime agli occhi.
Relegati nei tunnel gli esseri umani
odono il fragore della tempesta,
fissano le mura con ansia di morte.
Ma cosa si muove all’orizzonte? Una nuvola inerme
di pietà che mormora col rumore del tuono
ma resta in alto a guardare
e si domanda se valga la pena aggiungere acqua
al ferro colorando di sangue la terra.
Lentamente frana l’Ucraina una città dopo l’altra
e con essa l’idea di libertà.


J’ai écrit ce poème (dont les vers ne sont ni élégants ni raffinés) par angoisse sur le sort du peuple ukrainien et le sort de la liberté et de l’indépendance.

La rivière déverse de masses de métal incandescente
envahit les villes et les recouvre de gravats
répand la mort sur les symboles de l’humain
avec le cri inhumain des eaux tumultueuses
jusqu’aux toits des maisons et les hommes noyés
abattent les arbres et en font
une barrière à tout le feu qui rugit et roule,
trop violent et sans pitié pour être dirigé vers eux.
Ils appellent à l’aide ceux qui regardent les larmes aux yeux.
Reliés dans les tunnels des êtres humains
entendent le grondement de la tempête,
ils regardent les murs anxieusement face à la mort.
Mais qu’est-ce qui bouge à l’horizon ? Un nuage impuissant
de pitié qui murmure avec le bruit du tonnerre
mais il reste en l’air pour regarder et se demander
si cela vaut la peine d’ajouter de l’eau au fer
colorer la terre de sang.
L’Ukraine s’effondre lentement une ville après l’autre
et avec elle l’idée de liberté.


I wrote this poem (whose verses are neither elegant nor refined) out of anguish over the fate of the Ukrainian people and the fate of freedom and independence.

The river pours out masses of red-hot metal
invades the cities and covers them with rubble
spreads death on the symbols of the human
with the inhuman cry
of turbulent waters up to the roofs of the houses
and drowned men cut down trees
they make it a barrier to all fire
that roars and rolls, too violent
and merciless to be directed at them.
They call for help from the beholder
with tears in my eyes.
Humans relegated to the tunnels
they hear the roar of the storm,
they stare at the walls anxiously for death.
But what is moving on the horizon? A armless cloud
of pity that murmurs with the sound of thunder
but it stay on top to watch
and wonders if it’s worth adding water
to the iron, coloring the earth with blood.
Ukraine slowly collapses one city after another
and with it the idea of freedom.


Escribí este poema (cuyos versos no son ni elegantes ni refinados) angustiado por el destino del pueblo ucraniano y el destino de la libertad y la independencia.

El río vierte masas de metal al rojo vivo
invade las ciudades y las cubre de escombros
esparce la muerte sobre los símbolos de lo humano
con el grito inhumano
de aguas turbulentas hasta los techos de las casas
y los hombres ahogados cortaron los árboles,
convirtiéndolos en una barrera para todo fuego
que ruge y rueda, demasiado violento
y despiadado para ser dirigido a ellos.
Piden ayuda al espectador
con lágrimas en los ojos.
Los humanos relegados a los túneles.
oyen el rugir de la tormenta,
miran las paredes ansiosamente por la muerte.
Pero, ¿qué se mueve en el horizonte? Una nube indefensa
de piedad que murmura con el sonido del trueno
pero quédate arriba para mirar
y se pregunta si vale la pena agregar agua
al hierro, tiñendo la tierra de sangre.
Ucrania colapsa lentamente una ciudad tras otra
y con ella la idea de libertad.

56 pensieri su “Ucraina (Ita – Fr – Eng – Esp)

  1. Stunning words for a situation of incredible anxiety , horror and destruction of a beautiful country and of a beautiful peace-loving, kind people. and all that under the impotent but watchful eye of the world. I cannot find my friends in that country anymore…A tragedy of gigantic proportions. I wonder how Putin sleeps at night.

    Piace a 2 people

  2. Certainly, although we are not there, under those conditions, we all live deeply this struggle for freedom with the Ukrainian people, and we meet with your poetic touch and pray. Every morning when I wake up I go to the news to learn, is Kieve there? I hope, I wish, I pray someone, something to stop Putin! Thank you dear Marcello, Love, nia

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    • Dear Nia 🌹, we are all worried about Ukraine and we all hope that this war will end soon, for the good of all. I wrote these verses without thinking too much about it, out of indignation and pity. Thanks for reading and for the moving comment. Love and peace🙏💖🌹

      Piace a 2 people

  3. Pingback: Ucraina (Ita – Fr – Eng – Esp) – Bohemians Cultural

  4. Always waking up at 1:00 a.m. and hoping to see that someone wrote: “Sunrise in Kyiv. The Ukranians made it another night.” While the thunder of war lashes at their doorstep they continue to fight for freedom. Your poem embodies the true cost of what happens when the brutality of one person is unleashed on a peaceful country. May freedom never fall!

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  5. Caro Marcello hai scritto una poesia straordinaria come sempre , prende un modo alla gola ,la stessa gira come un mulinello e sembra di soffocare ,non si respira …
    Vorrei tanto che accadesse un miracolo !
    Vorrei che tutti i popoli sottoposti a questa maledizione per mano d’uomini impietosi ,fossero liberi dalla guerra !
    Liberi dalla guerra .
    I “miracoli ” sono rari in queste circostanze orribili .
    Quanta tristezza e ingiustizia su questa Terra .
    Grazie mille ,ti voglio bene ❤️☮️

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  6. What a wonderful post on Ukairne who is suffering many bitter situation but having full confidence for the hope ‘n save the freedom.most beautifully written,Dear Marcello Comitini!!❣️🙏🏻❣️I hope-The Win is in the favour of Ukraine.Amen.

    Piace a 1 persona

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